題目 : Linguistics總數: 18
博雅語言學教材系列: 語言學教程(第三版)
《語言學教程》在修訂版基礎上聽取廣大師生意見改編而成。包括語言學理論介 紹、語音、詞彙、句法、語義、語言和認知,語言和社會文化,語言和文學,語言 和計算機,語言學和外語教學,語言學流派等十二章。 本書有以下幾大特點: • 權威性:名家撰著暢銷近二十年,語言學教材經典之一 • 時代性:充分汲取國內外語言學研究的最新理論和成果 • 知識性:全面而系統闡述理論和應用語言學領域的內容 • 實用性:講練結合深入淺出,利於課上教學和課下自學 • 互動性:配有網絡版,讀者專家互動極大延伸求知空間 *此書另有練習冊 (CCAN00152) 以供輔助學習之用
The Handbook of World English (with CD)
作者Braj Kachru, Yamuna Kachru, Cecil Nelson
THE HANDBOOK OF WORLD ENLISHES presents essentially selected critical dimensions of theoretical, ideological, applied and pedagogical constructs related to the unprecedented spread of the English medium in world contexts. The emphasis of the volume’s nine parts and forty-two chapters is on exploring and elucidating topics if the following types: • The distinctiveness of the sociolinguistic contexts of varieties Englishes, their diffusion and location in world contexts; • The functional ranges and domains in which such varieties are actually used across cultures; • The creative processes that determine the distinctiveness of each major variety at various linguistics levels; • The relationship of linguistic creativity to acculturation in distinct sociocultural contexts of Asia, Africa and other parts of the English-using world; • The distinction between genetic and functional nativeness, and its theoretical and pragmatic implications; • The characteristics of cross-over between canons and canonicity, and devices used for representing such distinctiveness; and • Attitude-marking love-hate relationships with the medium and their reflections in language policies and language planning in Anglophone societies.
A Sociolinguistic Study on Chinese Loanwords
分類號E5.1.1 016
This book is a rare study of English linguistics, reference, vocabulary is an important course of study materials, its informative, describing the rigorous, example-rich, reflecting the author's strong research skills and high academic value.

Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Literature Review on Loanwords
Chapter Three: Functions of Loanwords and Their Survival Model
Chapter Four: The Referential Function of Loanwords
Chapter Five: The Interpersonal Function of Loanwords
Chapter Six: The Metalingual Function of Loanwords
Chapter Seven: Conclusion
分類號E5.1.1 014
本書從宏觀視角論述了文化語言學的本體論和方法論,從微觀視角論述了語言與文 化的深層關係,依次對語言與思維、哲學、政治、神話、宗教、文學藝術、民俗等 方面的有關問題進行了探討。具體內容包括:文化語言學的文化觀和語言觀,文化 語言學的任務,文化語言學的建立和發展,文化語言學比較研究,文化語言學的相 關問題研究等。
Linguistics: An Elementary Course Book (語言學基礎教程)
分類號E5.1.1 002
《語言學基礎教程》包括語言與語言學、語音學與音位學、形態學、句法學、語義 學、語用學、語篇分析、歷史語言學、文體學、社會語言學、跨文化交際、心理語 言學、認知語言學、應用語言學等十四章。在內容方面,本書在提供基本知識的同 時,更注重教材的科學性、系統性、實用性和時代性。在編寫過程中,我們力求 ‘化難為簡’,盡量做到概念清晰,既要保證知識的系統性,又要避免術語的堆砌。 本書在傳授基本知識與概念的同時,通過豐富的實例提供了有關語言分析和描述的 基本方法,並強調語言學與典他學科的聯系,以便適應創新型人才培養的需要。
作者M. A. K. Halliday
分類號E5.1.1 013
The book provides a framework for understanding the social meaning of language, and the relation of language to other social phenomena. The volume begins with Professor Halliday's ground-breaking work on the users and uses of language. Subsequent chapters are organized around a discussion of sociolinguistic theory, and the relation between language and social class and social structure.
語言學教程 練習冊
分類號E5.1.1 010
本書分為大部分,十六章,第一部分主要介紹了語言起源及内部各層次;第二部分 詳細地闡述了講授語言在時空中的變異及其與思維、文化、社會、語境、文學等 外部因素的關係。此外,本書還包涵有兩個附錄,分别討論語言学與教學的關係和 當代語言學中的重要流派。 本書為《語言學教程(第三版)》(中 英文版)的配套練習冊。提供了相關章節 的參考答案,旨在幫助學生溫習鞏固各章内容,提高學生獨立思考、自主學習的能 力。 60篇專家精選學術文章的網絡連接.與各章内容呼應,延伸求知空間; 數套综合自測試題和研究生入學考试樣題,強化實戰能力。
博雅語言學教材系列: 語言學教程(第三版)
分類號E5.1.1 012
《語言學教程》在修訂版基礎上聽取廣大師生意見改編而成。包括語言學理論介 紹、語音、詞彙、句法、語義、語言和認知,語言和社會文化,語言和文學,語言 和計算機,語言學和外語教學,語言學流派等十二章。 本書有以下幾大特點: • 權威性:名家撰著暢銷近二十年,語言學教材經典之一 • 時代性:充分汲取國內外語言學研究的最新理論和成果 • 知識性:全面而系統闡述理論和應用語言學領域的內容 • 實用性:講練結合深入淺出,利於課上教學和課下自學 • 互動性:配有網絡版,讀者專家互動極大延伸求知空間 *此書另有練習冊 (CCAN00152) 以供輔助學習之用
Language for Everyone: An Introduction
作者Kristin Denham, Anne Lobeck
分類號E5.1.1 009
出版社Wadsworth CENGAGE Learning
This book is for students with majors in English, linguistics, secondary education, foreign languages, communication sciences, and other disciplines that need a basic introduction to linguistics. This book contains many elements relating the study of linguistics to the language of communication in the real world. The text is organized to make the material easy to find and the content interesting and relevant to the life. The first chapter gives learners the basics such as how to define language, new ways to look at grammar, their innate knowledge about language, animal communication systems, and so on. Later chapters address core linguistics areas. The many innovative and varied activities help learners review and practice the content and offer ample opportunities to apply the knowledge immediately.
Language its structure and use Fifth Edition
作者Edward Finegan
分類號E5.1.1 008
出版社Thomson Wadsworth
LANGUAGE: ITS STRUCTURE AND USE explains core concepts in an interactive style that learners can understand no matter what their major. With features like "What Do You Think?" and "Try It Yourself," learners will understand what they are experiencing on campus and in the classroom from a linguistics perspective. The expanded study sections and the available workbook provide learners with the tools they will need for effective test prep.
The Handbook of World English
作者Braj Kachru, Yamuna Kachru, Cecil Nelson
分類號E5.1.1 004
THE HANDBOOK OF WORLD ENLISHES presents essentially selected critical dimensions of theoretical, ideological, applied and pedagogical constructs related to the unprecedented spread of the English medium in world contexts. The emphasis of the volume’s nine parts and forty-two chapters is on exploring and elucidating topics if the following types: • The distinctiveness of the sociolinguistic contexts of varieties Englishes, their diffusion and location in world contexts; • The functional ranges and domains in which such varieties are actually used across cultures; • The creative processes that determine the distinctiveness of each major variety at various linguistics levels; • The relationship of linguistic creativity to acculturation in distinct sociocultural contexts of Asia, Africa and other parts of the English-using world; • The distinction between genetic and functional nativeness, and its theoretical and pragmatic implications; • The characteristics of cross-over between canons and canonicity, and devices used for representing such distinctiveness; and • Attitude-marking love-hate relationships with the medium and their reflections in language policies and language planning in Anglophone societies.
The Story of English
作者Philip Gooden
分類號E5.1.1 001
THE STORY OF ENGLISH is a fascinating tale of linguistic, social and cultural transformation, told accessibly and authoritatively. This book tells the story of the English language in all its richness and variety. From the intriguing origins and changing definition of common words such as ‘OK’, ‘berserk’, ‘curfew’, ‘cabal’ and ‘pow-wow’, to the massive transformations wrought in the vocabulary and structure of the language by Anglo-Saxon and Norman conquest, through to the literary triumphs of Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales and the works of Shakespeare, right up to the profound and surprising effect electronic media have had on its development.
Origins of the Specious
作者Patricia T. O'Conners
分類號E5.1.1 011
出版社Random house
In ORIGINS OF THE SPECIOUS, word mavens Patricia T. O’Conner and Stewart Kellerman reveal why some of grammar’s best-known “rules” aren’t—and never were— rules at all. This playfully witty, rigorously researched book sets the record straight about bogus word origins, politically correct fictions, phony Francis, fake acronyms, and more. Here are some shockers: “They” was once commonly used for both singular and plural, much the way “you” is today. And an eighteenth-century female grammarian, of all people, is largely responsible for the all-purpose “he.” From the Queen’s English to street slang, this eye-opening romp will be the toast of grammarphiles and the salvation of gramophones. Take our word for it.
The Definitive book of body language
作者Allan & Barbara Pease
分類號E5.1.1 005
出版社International Bestseller
THE DEFINITIVE BOOK OF BODY LANGUAGE reveals the secrets of nonverbal communication to give you confidence and control in any face-to-face encounter–from making a great first impression and acing a job interview to finding the right partner. It is a scientific fact that people’s gestures give away their true intentions. Yet most of us don’t know how to read body language–and don’t realize how our own physical movements speak to others. Now the world’s foremost experts on the subject share their techniques for reading body language signals to achieve success in every area of life. The authors examine each component of body language and give you the basic vocabulary to read attitudes and emotions through behavior. Revealed in this book: • How to make a positive impression on others • How to tell if someone is lying • How to get co-operation from other people • How to choose a partner
The Study of Language(Fourth Edition)
作者George Yule
分類號E5.1.1 007
出版社Camridge International Student Edition
THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE is easy to follow, simple to understand-the most fundamental introduction to language study. The book is written for the beginner, it is a broad yet concise overview of key topics. This ever-popular, easy-to-use introduction engages learners by presentation information in bite-sized sections, and partners them through tasks, and an online study guide. Learners emerge with a clear understanding of the major concepts in language study. Key features: • Twenty new sections include coverage of text messaging and new accounts of language origins • More than 50 new tasks, including 30 that involve data analysis to encourage active learning • The study guide partners learners through their learning with answers to the study questions and online help with the tasks • A comprehensive glossary explains technical terms
Language Matters
作者Donna Jo Napoli, Vera Lee-Schoenfeld
分類號E5.1.1 006
出版社Oxford University Press
LANGUAGE MATTERS provides a highly informative tour of the world of language, examining these and other vexing and controversial language-related questions. Throughout, the authors encourage and lead the learners to use common sense and everyday experience rather than preconceived notion or technical linguistics expertise. Both their questions and their conclusions are surprising, sometimes provocative, and always entertaining. This book is to engage both general readers and learners of language and linguistics at any level.
The Oxford History of English
分類號E5.1.1 015
This book presents the history of English from its obscure Indo-European roots to its twenty-first century position as the world's first language. It shows how English evolved in the British Isles and how it spread to the United States and through the old British empire to every corner of the world. It examines the different versions and roles of the language in every part of the globe and shows how English rose to international pre- eminence. This book will appeal to everyone with a keen interest in the English language and its development.
Everyone Can Write
作者Peter Elbow
分類號E5.1.1 003
出版社Oxford University Press
This book includes sections on voice, the experience of writing, teaching, and evaluation. Implicit throughout is the authors commitment to humanizing the profession, and his continued emphasis on the importance of binary thinking and non-adversarial argument. The result is a compendium of a master teacher's thought on the relation between good pedagogy and good writing; it is sure to be of interest to all professional teachers of writing, and will be a valuable book for use in composition courses at all levels.