題目 : Critical Thinking總數: 7
Critical Thinking (A Beginner's Guide)
作者Sharon M. Kaye
分類號E5.6 008
出版社Oneworld Publications
CRITICAL THINKING shows you how to analyze arguments, speeches, and newspaper articles, and how to locate the faults that we all make in our daily reasoning. By examining the structure of language, it outlines rules to recognize good analytical thinking and gives you the tools to put your point across more effectively, whether at school, the office, at home, or in the courtroom. Special features: • Including real life newspaper extracts, a glossary, exercises • A guide to essay writing • Clear and comprehensive introduction of essential skill
How to Say It: Negotiating to Win
作者Jim Hennig, PH.D.
分類號E5.6 006
出版社Prentice Hall Press
HOW TO SAY IT: NEGOTIATING TO WIN offers real-world strategies that take the pain put of any negotiation. With negotiation expert, you will learn how to seamlessly close deals using questions, effective listening, honesty, integrity, and partnership building. Special features: • Get and give concessions effectively • Handle difficult or impossible negotiators • Negotiate from a weak position • Resolve differences before they get in the way • Avoid common negotiating errors
Critical thinking a concise guide
作者Tracy Bowell and Gary Kemp
分類號E5.6 001
出版社Companion Website
CRITICAL THINKING A CONCISE GUIDE will equip you with concepts and techniques used in the identification, analysis and assessment of arguments. The aim is to improve your ability to tell whether an argument is being given, exactly what the argument is and whether you ought to be persuaded by it. Special features: • Clear, jargon-free discussion of key concepts in argumentation • How to avoid common confusions surrounding words such as ‘truth’, ‘knowledge’ and ‘opinion’ • How to identify and evaluate the most common types of argument • How to spot fallacies in arguments and tell good from bad reasoning • Topical examples from politics, sport medicine and music; chapter summaries; glossary and exercises throughout
How to Be Assertive in Any Situation
作者Sue hadfield & Gill Hasson
分類號E5.6 007
You will discover life-changing techniques to help challenge your fears, grow self-confidence and steer you life in the direction you want to go with HOW TO BE ASSERTIVE IN ANY SITUATION. Special features: • makes clear decisions, to approach your life with confidence and self-assurance, and to believe in yourself are all crucial to success • in both work and life, assertiveness holds the key to your self-respect and self-esteem • This remarkable guide is packed with real-life examples, motivating scenarios, quick wins and loads of friendly advice
How to Argue Powerfully Persuaively Positively
作者Jonathan Herring
分類號E5.6 002
HOW TO ARGUE will teach you how to argue well. You will discover how you can get your points across in a clear and effective way. It will also help you to develop techniques so that you can respond to the arguments of others equally effectively. Special features: • Arguing powerfully, persuasively and positively • Keep your cool in a heated situation • Tackle a difficult person or topic • Be convincing and articulate • Have great confidence when you speak
Winning Arguments
作者Jay Heinrichs
分類號E5.6 005
出版社Penguin Books
WINNING ARGUMENTS is brimming with endless examples of persuasion and plenty of techniques to help you get your way. Special features: • How to shine at work, avoid speeding tickets, and outwit argumentative partners • Tactics like setting your goals, making them listen and gaining the high ground • The art of rhetoric, from eloquence and friendship to ready wit and irrefutable logic
How to Talk to Anyone
作者Leil Lowndes
分類號E5.6 004
出版社Mc Graw Hill
HOW TO TALK TO ANYONE gives you ninety-two of little tricks. You can play the game to perfection and get whatever you want in life. Special features: • Make an unforgettable entrance and meet the people you want to meet • Use body language to captivate audiences of all sizes • Sound like an insider in any crowd, no matter how little you have in common • Work a party the way a politician works a room • Always come across as confident, credible, and charismatic wherever you are