出版社 : 商務印書館﹙香港﹚有限公司總數: 19
我敢讀希臘羅馬神話人名 (附CD)
介紹希臘羅馬神話主要人物的讀音和故事 ◎介紹相關的歷史、藝術和文學作品、流行文化等
Variety in Food Culture《多元飲食文化》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
The puffer fish is a famous type of fish in Japan. If it is not prepared properly, it can kill those who eat it. How do chefs prepare the fish correctly? In the past, it was popular for rich people in England to have servants. The most important servant was the butler. Today, there are fewer butlers, but the job is still important. What skills make a good butler? Truffles can be found in the words, but they are a very rare and expensive food. That’s why they are sometimes called “Black Diamonds”. Why are truffles so expensive and unusual? *1 accompanying CD
作者Rob Waring
Giant Pandas, a national treasure of China, are endangered. Why are they endangered? What are the Chinese people doing to save them? Most people run from tornadoes, but some researches chase them! How do researchers find these tornadoes? How do they develop better methods for predicting tornadoes? Scientists have found alternative fuels to cope with global warning and the overuse of traditional fuels. What are these new sources of energy? How can they be used in everyday life? *1 accompanying CD ◎ 第二個故事講述科學家冒險追蹤龍捲風,使用高科技的探測儀器搜集資料,務求發掘新方法更準確地預測龍捲 風。 ◎ 第三個故事講述科學家積極發掘新能源,研究如何利用風力、太陽能發電,以及從農產品抽取及提煉燃料,解 決傳統能源短缺及環境污染的問題。 本書特色: ◎ 系列分六級,共十六本書,每本有英文文章供閱讀,文章根據 Collins Cobuild The Bank of English 語料庫、British National Corpus 以及 BYU Corpus of American English 等數據庫選收。 ◎ Grammar Focus:解釋語法重點,後附相關練習題,供讀者即時複習所學,題目類型有閱讀理解、聆聽練習、 看短片做練習等,書後有練習答案。 ◎ 配精彩照片,另備一張video /audio 兩用DVD,短片選自National Geographic Digital Media。 ◎ 訓練速讀:每本書除了主題文章之外,還有延伸閱讀,每篇標出字數,供讀者自我計時,練習速讀,並評估閱 讀速度。 ◎ 另附中英對照生詞表,提供英文生詞的中譯,方便參考。
Action in Space and Sports《超級活動空間》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
Astronauts are in constant danger when in space. What are the risks and challenges of space walking? How do astronauts overcome them? How different are the ancient Olympic Games which originated in Greece form today’s? Can you imagine ancient long jumpers holding weights in their hands when they jumped? See how a speed skydiver keeps trying various methods of increasing his speed. Do you want to try extreme skydiving? *1 accompanying CD ◎ 第二個故事關於奧林匹克的起源及古今奧運會的有趣區別。 ◎ 第三個故事關於高空跳傘,講述一個不斷追求速度的高空跳傘員,如何不斷試驗新方法,以達到更高的速度。 本書特色: ◎ 系列分六級,共十六本書,每本有英文文章供閱讀,文章根據 Collins Cobuild The Bank of English 語料庫、British National Corpus 以及 BYU Corpus of American English 等數據庫選收。 ◎ Grammar Focus:解釋語法重點,後附相關練習題,供讀者即時複習所學,題目類型有閱讀理解、聆聽練習、 看短片做練習等,書後有練習答案。 ◎ 配精彩照片,另備一張video /audio 兩用DVD,短片選自National Geographic Digital Media。 ◎ 訓練速讀:每本書除了主題文章之外,還有延伸閱讀,每篇標出字數,供讀者自我計時,練習速讀,並評估 閱讀速度。 ◎ 另附中英對照生詞表,提供英文生詞的中譯,方便參考。
Mysteries of the Past and Present 《未解之謎》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
Several strange signs called “crop circles” have been discovered in many places on Earth. These mysterious circles are puzzling to everyone, even scientists. Could we find out who-or what- made them? The ancient Maya built pyramids which are as complex as those of Egypt. An archaeologist studying the Maya civilization for more than 20 years dreams of knowing more about Mayan kings personally. Will he discover any clues in the lost temples? Devon Island in Canada is a kind of “Mars on Earth”, has conditions and terrains similar to Mars. A group of explorers has come to this area to explore the challenges excepted when to Mars. What preparations are being made for the trip to Mars? *1 accompanying CD
Animal Adventure《動物世界歷險記》 (附CD)
作者Rob Waring
A new kind of “killer bee” is moving in and taking over the rain forests in Central America – what will happen to the native bees? Can the killer bees be stopped? A young serval cat is going out for his first night hunt, but there are many larger animals that want to hunt them. Will the young serval be safe and successful? Beagles often work at airports to find illegal or unsafe items- what does it take to be on Beagle Patrol? What happens to dogs that don’t make it? *1 accompanying CD
Special Lifestyles and Customs《獨特生活風情》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
Running from Paris to Istanbul, the Orient Express is a first-class hotel on wheels. Who is responsible for the train’s success? What unique difficulties do they face? During a local festival in Japan, teams fight to force each other’s kites form the sky. How do teams fight with kites? What does it take to win? The “Slow City” movement is a new way of living to fight the negative effects of our fast-paced world. Greve, Italy is one of the many cities that is part of. What dose it mean to be “slow moving”? *1 accompanying CD
Heat and Cold of the Earth《地球冷與熱》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
There is a very old volcano in Ethiopia. Volcanoes can be dangerous, but they also offer important information. Two scientists are traveling to study it. What will they learn? Snow is very important for running a ski are. But this year, it’s too warm for natural snow. An owner of a ski area in United States has a little “snow magic” to get the snow he needs! According to a local story, the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland was made by a big man. But scientists have a different story. How was this unusual place created? *1 accompanying CD
Paradise of Small Animals 《小動物大召集》 (附CD)
作者Rob Waring
Farley is young red panda with serious health problems. Life hasn’t been easy for him. Zookeepers have helped him recover and how he is moving to a new home. Will he become happier? Each year, baby puffins, also known as pufflings, leave their homes to find the sea. But sometimes they got lost. How do people rescue the pufflings and help them find their way home? One man has spent his life on studying beautiful birds in Trinidad and Tobago. Now he’s trying to photograph all of the 460 types of birds on the islands. Will he succeed in finding the very special but mysterious one? *1 accompanying CD
劍橋IELTS 應試手冊 (with CD)
作者Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell
分類號E3.1.7 016
本書為IELTS考試課程提供補充指導及練習,以培養考生在該考試中所需的技巧為目的。 • 各課業的練習保留英語原文,解說部分則翻譯成中文,方便讀者了解應試技巧 • 收錄IELTS考試各類問題,並提供指導考生如何完成練習 • 包括了IELTS中所有4個測試項目的材料,另外也涵蓋了有關閱讀與寫作的一般訓練類的單元 • 增加最新修訂的會話考試指導及語音練習,提供正確的發音方法 • 幫助考生掌握更多詞彙、片語及搭配詞 * 附光碟、錄音稿及答案
Action in Space and Sports《超級活動空間》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 006
Astronauts are in constant danger when in space. What are the risks and challenges of space walking? How do astronauts overcome them? How different are the ancient Olympic Games which originated in Greece form today’s? Can you imagine ancient long jumpers holding weights in their hands when they jumped? See how a speed skydiver keeps trying various methods of increasing his speed. Do you want to try extreme skydiving? *1 accompanying CD ◎ 第二個故事關於奧林匹克的起源及古今奧運會的有趣區別。 ◎ 第三個故事關於高空跳傘,講述一個不斷追求速度的高空跳傘員,如何不斷試驗新方法,以達到更高的速度。 本書特色: ◎ 系列分六級,共十六本書,每本有英文文章供閱讀,文章根據 Collins Cobuild The Bank of English 語料庫、British National Corpus 以及 BYU Corpus of American English 等數據庫選收。 ◎ Grammar Focus:解釋語法重點,後附相關練習題,供讀者即時複習所學,題目類型有閱讀理解、聆聽練習、 看短片做練習等,書後有練習答案。 ◎ 配精彩照片,另備一張video /audio 兩用DVD,短片選自National Geographic Digital Media。 ◎ 訓練速讀:每本書除了主題文章之外,還有延伸閱讀,每篇標出字數,供讀者自我計時,練習速讀,並評估 閱讀速度。 ◎ 另附中英對照生詞表,提供英文生詞的中譯,方便參考。
Mysteries of the Past and Present 《未解之謎》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 005
Several strange signs called “crop circles” have been discovered in many places on Earth. These mysterious circles are puzzling to everyone, even scientists. Could we find out who-or what- made them? The ancient Maya built pyramids which are as complex as those of Egypt. An archaeologist studying the Maya civilization for more than 20 years dreams of knowing more about Mayan kings personally. Will he discover any clues in the lost temples? Devon Island in Canada is a kind of “Mars on Earth”, has conditions and terrains similar to Mars. A group of explorers has come to this area to explore the challenges excepted when to Mars. What preparations are being made for the trip to Mars? *1 accompanying CD
Heat and Cold of the Earth《地球冷與熱》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 002
There is a very old volcano in Ethiopia. Volcanoes can be dangerous, but they also offer important information. Two scientists are traveling to study it. What will they learn? Snow is very important for running a ski are. But this year, it’s too warm for natural snow. An owner of a ski area in United States has a little “snow magic” to get the snow he needs! According to a local story, the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland was made by a big man. But scientists have a different story. How was this unusual place created? *1 accompanying CD
Special Lifestyles and Customs《獨特生活風情》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 003
Running from Paris to Istanbul, the Orient Express is a first-class hotel on wheels. Who is responsible for the train’s success? What unique difficulties do they face? During a local festival in Japan, teams fight to force each other’s kites form the sky. How do teams fight with kites? What does it take to win? The “Slow City” movement is a new way of living to fight the negative effects of our fast-paced world. Greve, Italy is one of the many cities that is part of. What dose it mean to be “slow moving”? *1 accompanying CD
Variety in Food Culture《多元飲食文化》(附CD)
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 008
The puffer fish is a famous type of fish in Japan. If it is not prepared properly, it can kill those who eat it. How do chefs prepare the fish correctly? In the past, it was popular for rich people in England to have servants. The most important servant was the butler. Today, there are fewer butlers, but the job is still important. What skills make a good butler? Truffles can be found in the words, but they are a very rare and expensive food. That’s why they are sometimes called “Black Diamonds”. Why are truffles so expensive and unusual? *1 accompanying CD
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 007
Giant Pandas, a national treasure of China, are endangered. Why are they endangered? What are the Chinese people doing to save them? Most people run from tornadoes, but some researches chase them! How do researchers find these tornadoes? How do they develop better methods for predicting tornadoes? Scientists have found alternative fuels to cope with global warning and the overuse of traditional fuels. What are these new sources of energy? How can they be used in everyday life? *1 accompanying CD ◎ 第二個故事講述科學家冒險追蹤龍捲風,使用高科技的探測儀器搜集資料,務求發掘新方法更準確地預測龍捲 風。 ◎ 第三個故事講述科學家積極發掘新能源,研究如何利用風力、太陽能發電,以及從農產品抽取及提煉燃料,解 決傳統能源短缺及環境污染的問題。 本書特色: ◎ 系列分六級,共十六本書,每本有英文文章供閱讀,文章根據 Collins Cobuild The Bank of English 語料庫、British National Corpus 以及 BYU Corpus of American English 等數據庫選收。 ◎ Grammar Focus:解釋語法重點,後附相關練習題,供讀者即時複習所學,題目類型有閱讀理解、聆聽練習、 看短片做練習等,書後有練習答案。 ◎ 配精彩照片,另備一張video /audio 兩用DVD,短片選自National Geographic Digital Media。 ◎ 訓練速讀:每本書除了主題文章之外,還有延伸閱讀,每篇標出字數,供讀者自我計時,練習速讀,並評估閱 讀速度。 ◎ 另附中英對照生詞表,提供英文生詞的中譯,方便參考。
Animal Adventure《動物世界歷險記》 (附CD)
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 004
A new kind of “killer bee” is moving in and taking over the rain forests in Central America – what will happen to the native bees? Can the killer bees be stopped? A young serval cat is going out for his first night hunt, but there are many larger animals that want to hunt them. Will the young serval be safe and successful? Beagles often work at airports to find illegal or unsafe items- what does it take to be on Beagle Patrol? What happens to dogs that don’t make it? *1 accompanying CD
Paradise of Small Animals 《小動物大召集》 (附CD)
作者Rob Waring
分類號E6.2 001
Farley is young red panda with serious health problems. Life hasn’t been easy for him. Zookeepers have helped him recover and how he is moving to a new home. Will he become happier? Each year, baby puffins, also known as pufflings, leave their homes to find the sea. But sometimes they got lost. How do people rescue the pufflings and help them find their way home? One man has spent his life on studying beautiful birds in Trinidad and Tobago. Now he’s trying to photograph all of the 460 types of birds on the islands. Will he succeed in finding the very special but mysterious one? *1 accompanying CD
我敢讀希臘羅馬神話人名 (附CD)
分類號E1.5.2 016
介紹希臘羅馬神話主要人物的讀音和故事 ◎介紹相關的歷史、藝術和文學作品、流行文化等